Thursday, October 15, 2009

Longest Week Ever...

This is one of those blog posts that is just going to consist of me complaining about how my week went, so consider that your disclaimer.
1. I am incredibly frustrated with my job, it's really hard for me to go in everyday and seems to get more ridiculous every. single. time. I walk in the door.
2. I have been sick for about two weeks now. This past Monday, I was feeling pretty good, most of my yuckiness was forward to Monday night --> I start to feel WORSE then I did before. Fever, chills, achy, runny nose, stuffy nose, sinus, coughing, headache, dizzy... you name it. So Wednesday rolls around, and I am having a lot of trouble breathing, I just couldn't seem to get enough air in each breath, so I am forced to take really big deep breaths every third breath or so. Wednesday night: I am weezing, and when I go to bed my throat and chest are burning each time I take a breath.
3. I take a personal day today to go to the doctor, no bronchitis, my breathing has gotten a little better, but I am told to take the next couple days off and rest. Excellent. Except I have some scheduled time off next week and I'm sure it look very good for me to be gone for two days, then back for one before I am gone for another four. I hate my job, but I NEED my job.
4. I haven't seen my fiance in five days. We have both been working and he was keeping distance so that he can stay healthy (he needs to be healthy to go to work), which is completely understandable, but I MISS HIM!
5. The medicine that my doctor prescribed me says it might cause diarreah, REALLY??? Can't I just get a break. (I know this is an over-share, sorry).

I think in an effort to keep up with my blog, I am going to start taking pictures of things and blog while watching some of my favorite shows. I love TV and that's all I'm going to be doing for the next couple of days, so we'll see if that keeps me blogging. Hopefully I will get some pictures taken for my knot bio as well. Here's hoping I will feel good enough tomorrow to get some stuff done.

Stay tuned... I might just blogg while watching your favorite show ;)

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