Thursday, December 31, 2009

Potato Soup and The Office Marathon

Happy New Year bloggers :)

So I had planned to make a trip to the Outlet Mall in Howell this afternoon, but after a crappy nights sleep, an inch of snow on the ground and pure feeling crappiness I decided to stay home. I am getting some Mary Kay stuff done, watching season 4 of The Office and eating some of mom's famous "After Christmas Potato Soup". Sounds like a pretty decent afternoon if you ask me.

I've been sick for about a week or so, hasn't been terrible, just enough to be annoying and make me sleepy all the time. I have found that I tend to get upper respiratory problems when my allergies or a cold kick in this time of year. This is the worst it's been so I decided last night to pick up a fancy new humidifier for my night stand. I gotta say, it works pretty well. I only woke up once in the middle of the night fighting to breath instead of three, haha. So we're making progress.

We got some bad news on the condo yesterday. Well, good news and bad news actually.
Good News: The condo appraised for less than what our original price was, which means that the seller can either lower the price to the appraisal amount OR we have the option to put up the money or walk away.
Bad News: Our seller owes more on the condo then what the appraisal price is, so she couldn't put the condo at the lower price. Well, I am not about to pay $8,000 more then what a home is worth, just not going to happen.

We decided to walk away, then I got a call from our Real Estate agent (who is great btw, if you're looking for an agent let me know and I will give you her info) and she said the seller's current mortgage company will take 3 days to decide if they are willing to take the lower price or let us walk away. So we are in limbo until sometime next week. Talk about anxiety.

We've already formed our registries around this house, so we would have to redo everything which isn't a huge deal, just inconvenient. Oh well... we shall see.

I am now off to finish some Mary Kay stuff, got some paper work and calls to make. Then it's off to get ready for a lazy NYE with Justin. I will probably blog later (or tomorrow) about my "List for 2010" :)

Be Safe, Have Fun and Happy 2010!

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